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Love a Tree Day

Bringing Love a Tree Day to Our Islands


This month, we want to share with you a holiday we only recently found out about: National Love a Tree Day, which is May 16th. We love trees because they do so much good for us. Spending time with trees can lower your blood pressure and stress, as well as make your heart rate slower.

What isn’t there to love about these majestic plants? In Hawai’i, we can appreciate the importance of trees, from our awe-inspiring banyan trees to our coconut-bearing palm trees.

We can appreciate the koa tree for its beautiful wood that makes everything from furniture and instruments, and its historical importance to Hawaiians for making paddles, canoes, and furnishings. The noni tree has medicinal uses today, just as it had medicinal uses for the Hawaiians and provided dye for kapa clothing. To help our trees grow, we need to ensure they get good water.

Helping Trees with Clean Water

cleanwaterTrees need water to survive, so if we don’t get enough rain naturally, we need to water the trees. The younger a tree, the more water it will require. It’s especially important to make sure trees get enough water because of our hot sunny climate.

A recently planted tree should be watered right under the tree, where its root ball is, while established trees should be watered a little ways away from the trunk to prevent rotting and be watered all the way to a bit past the tree’s dripline.

The key to caring for a tree is keeping its soil moist up to a few inches below the ground’s surface, rather than having it dried out or sopping wet--you need to avoid both too much water and too little water. If we do our best to keep trees properly hydrated, then we can count on our trees being around for generations, providing good effects for the environment and many happy memories.

Don’t Neglect Water Filtration

waterfilterHave you installed a home filtration system yet? Installing a home filtration system can have positive health benefits by reducing the risk of chemicals and bacteria that can cause illness or disease.

This is especially important if you have catchment water systems since you are the only one responsible for ensuring clean water.

Having a water filtration system for the whole house or for your kitchen tap can help improve the taste and smell or your drinking water, and remove chemicals like chlorine or particulates.

Humans need clean water and we need to drink a lot of water each day to stay healthy--why take a risk each day when you can install a system to help protect the health of your entire ohana?

Celebrate Love a Tree Day Local Style

plantatreeThis Love a Tree Day, you can make sure to do your kuleana and care for the trees and plants in your life. Resolve to make sure they are receiving enough water and give them clean water from your home when there isn’t enough rain to keep them healthy.

If you have keiki, make sure to teach them the importance of caring for our trees and instill a love of the ‘aina into them so that they too will be good stewards of the earth.

Call Allens Plumbing today at (808) 599-5511 or (808) 877-6370 today to find out about our water filtration systems if you still haven’t gotten one for your home, or if you’d like to replace an old one.

Our experts are eager to equip you with a good system to filter out impurities and contaminants so that you can ensure good health and reduced risks for your entire household. From our ohana to yours, happy Love a Tree Day!