Women's Impact on Plumbing
The plumbing industry is very male-dominated and always has been. However, over the course of many years, women have been building a plumbing legacy of their own.
CONTINUE READING »The plumbing industry is very male-dominated and always has been. However, over the course of many years, women have been building a plumbing legacy of their own.
CONTINUE READING »Low water pressure in a home's drains is one of the most common problems to have with plumbing. Fortunately, it is also easily fixed and easily preventable
CONTINUE READING »Plumbing systems don’t require a lot of maintenance and rarely ever need replacement. However, there are some circumstances when replacement is the best or only option.
CONTINUE READING »Local plumbing experts share tips about removing drain clogs, from both a professional and a DIY perspective.
CONTINUE READING »Everything You Need to Know About Water Leaks A water leak can be a household catastrophe. Water can quickly destroy ceilings, flooring, and furniture, and, if left unchecked, can create dangerous mold and mildew growth. The diagnosis and repair of the leak, which may include replacing the pipes, can be costly enough, but repairing theCONTINUE READING »
Hard water is very common and can cause lots of problems in plumbing systems. In this post, you will learn about what water softeners do, how they work, and the true costs of having hard water.
CONTINUE READING »Just like Prince Charming had a tough time finding the right woman whose foot would fit in the glass slipper, homeowners can have a tough time finding the right plumber for their home.
CONTINUE READING »Roots are often the source of clogs for pipes or sewer lines and can lead to major backups and plumbing emergencies. Interestingly, roots can enter pipes through small cracks or loose joints.
CONTINUE READING »As the holiday season approaches, it's good to not confuse Black Friday with black pipes. A special day should not be ruined by a major catastrophe, such as corrosion in your pipes.
CONTINUE READING »October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. The plumbers and staff at Allens Plumbing in Maui, HI want to honor breast cancer survivors and support their friends and families.
CONTINUE READING »Combating Climate Change for International Day of Peace Did you know? Since 1981, September 21st has been recognized as International Day of Peace, and in fact, Hawai‘i became the first state to recognize this special day in 2007! International Day of Peace is a holiday that is sanctioned by the United Nations. The themeCONTINUE READING »
Back To School: Learning About Your Plumbing August is here! And many families are starting to prepare for the back to school season. It’s time to dust off the books, sharpen your pencils, and get some extra storage space on the laptops. In the spirit of learning, it’s time to go back to basics andCONTINUE READING »